Sunday, December 21, 2008


Yesterday a little before 9 am John was fixing a roof vent when the ladder he was standing on fell. He went down with the ladder and landed on his feet. He was taken to the ER at Stonecrest Medical Center by ambulance. After 2 CT scans we learned he has a compression fracture on his L1 vertebrae of about 20 - 25%. Thankfully he has no other serious injuries. The CT scan showed no internal organ damage and no herniated disk. He is in a lot of pain and will most likely be out of work for a month. He is not allowed to twist or bend or lift anything heavier than a coffee cup. He spent the night in the hospital to help manage his pain. The pain medicine is helping to make him as comfortable as possible. He's been able to get up and walk around a few times. He's eating and drinking well. The Physical Therapist came in and fitted John for a back brace. He said that helped the pain more when he was sitting and standing.

John received a blessing from my Dad yesterday saying he would have a full recovery. We have faith that all will work out for the best. The next month will be hard for all of us but it will also be nice to have John around. Thank you to all who have offered help and prayers. We are deeply grateful.

I will keep you posted as the days go on and let you know of John's progress. We meet with the Orthopedic Specialist Monday Dec. 29.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

I feel like I've been very neglectful of our blog but NOTHING has been happening here. Its just the daily routine. We've had some colds and stomach bugs circulating through the house. Turkey day was good. I made the dinner - by myself except for the turkey which John fried. Yummy! We had John's sister, Sarah, her husband, Jeff, and the missionaries over to eat with us. John's been hunting a couple times. No successes but hopes to go again before the years over. And that about wraps it up folks. Maybe something will happen soon.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Update on kitty

Rock Star is a boy not a girl as we had originally thought. Apparently we didn't look too closely. Good thing the name Rock Star fits either way.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ever wanted a rock star in the family?

We can now become rich and famous because we have a rock star in the family. Well, actually she's a cat.

<-- John

She hitched a ride home with John last night from work and has stuck around. She's been wandering around his work for a little while now. She's pretty skinny and ate a lot last night. We've (Tyler) named her Rock Star. We've all taken to her. She's very loving and cuddly. She lets the kids pet her and pick her up. So far no scratches or bites. She's going to be an outside cat. John and I have allergies and John doesn't want animals in the house. We made her a bed out of a box and an old towel.

She slept in the box last night and some during the day. A neighbor let us have some cat food (Thanks Lisa!) and she ate a lot of it. If she stays around until next week I'm going to try and get her to the vet for shots and see about getting her spade. One cat is enough for me.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Primary Program

Yesterday was our ward's primary program. Its my favorite Sunday of the year. All the kids did an excellent job. Karena and Hannah both had their lines memorized and they did them without any problems. Unlike last year they both sang most of the songs. They are getting so grown up. We had several visitors that attended. Aunt Sarah, Uncle Jeff, Grandma and Grandpa and the girls pre-school teacher Ms. Darlene. Thank you all for coming. We finished up the day with a pancake dinner that Daddy cooked for us. It was super yummy!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Lately we've been working on not interrupting. The kids have a bad habit of every time someone starts to talk trying to butt in. It really bothers John especially. So again last night at dinner we were talking about it again.

Here's what Karena had to say about it: "Mommy its not good to erupt."
Mommy: "No, Karena, its not a good idea to erupt." (trying desperately not to laugh)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Grandad: "Can I go to school with you today?"
Tyler: "No, you don't have a lunchbox."
Hannah: "You don't have a backpack either."

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Playgroup was at our house today. It is a group of women who's kids all go to my kid's preschool. Most of them all go to the same church (except for me). There are usually about 8 regulars with 13 kids total. The women talk and have a great time discussing everything from kids behavior to the "Biggest Loser" episode from last night. Its really been an uplifting experience for me. The kids get along fairly well. As well as any large group of kids all trying to play with the same stuff for 2 hours can get along. I really like socializing with everyone. They are strong Christian women. Its been good for me to make some new friends. Plus I think its important to have at least one adult conversation a week.

Friday, October 10, 2008

I am: mom, wife, friend, teacher, caregiver, babysitter, cook, maid
I think: an organized home will greatly reduce my stress levels
I know: how to digitally scrapbook
I want: to learn how to be a good knitter
I have: intelligent, happy children who like to do things their own way
I dislike: people who drive below the speed limit
I miss: the clean, good sitcoms when I was a kid
I fear: heights with no railings
I feel: good about not watching so much TV lately
I hear: my kids dancing to Imagination Movers
I smell: pancakes with syrup
I crave: chocolate
I cry: at sappy movies and when I am truly upset by something
I usually: have a book I'm reading
I search: for stuffed animals before bed way too much
I wonder: what we're having for dinner tonight
I regret: not taking more advantage of the opportunities I had growing up
I love: my family
I care: about who gets elected President
I always: get frustrated with my kids too easily
I worry: how my kids will ever survive public school
I am not: someone who loves to clean
I believe: that if you really want to change you can
I sing: to my kids before nap and bedtime every day
I don't always: kiss and hug my family enough
I argue: with my FIL too much
I write: more now than I used to
I win: at card games
I lose: every tickle war with John
I wish: I had our upstairs renovation done and not just in the planning stages
I listen: to way too many kids songs
I can usually be found: in the blue room on the computer or in the kitchen
I am scared: for the future of our country
I forget: to make important phone calls and put things in the mail
I am happy: when my kids are laughing and getting along
I am.......tagging you.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Our Fall Break Stay-cation

Sunday we went to Conference up at Mom and Dad's ward building. The kids did pretty good. Tyler fell asleep during the last hour of the first session. We had a pot luck lunch there. Tyler was done after that so John took him back to Mom and Dad's house. As he was leaving he said, "Good, I don't like this place." I guess 4 hours is enough for any 4 yr old boy to be asked to be quiet and still. We should have sent the girls home as well. They couldn't sit still or be quiet for anything. I ended up letting them go play in a side room while I sat nearby in the foyer listening to conference. Tyler took another nap when he got back to the house. When informed that he would have to go to bed that night he told us, "I slept two times. I don't have to sleep ANYMORE!"

Monday we went to the Frist art museum. They have a kids area called Martin Artquest. Its a hands on experience for the kids to paint, sculpt, make prints, color, draw and imagine.

Here's some of the art the kids created while we were there. Tyler, as is his usual style, took about 10 of the stools you can see in the picture above and made a train track/tunnel with them. I guess art comes in many forms. (Tyler's are the 1st in each row, then Hannah's, then Karena's)

I think they all did a great job. We will definitely go back again and again.

Tuesday we planned to go the zoo. As we arrived it started pouring. We ducked into the gift shop to stay dry. Mom bought us all ponchos. The girls thought they were great. Tyler wore it because we told him to but was quick to take it off as soon as it stopped raining. We went to the indoor creepy crawly house. It has all the snakes, fish, bats (Mom's favorite, not really), spiders and my favorite the frogs. The only reason we got Mom in there was because of the rain. By the time we got done it had stopped raining. We were able to see the rest of the zoo without any more problems. The elephants were great. We got to watch one of them ripping branches and leaves off the trees and eating. It was pretty neat! The kids played on part of the playground for a little while. The rest was too wet. I promised them a return visit to play on the playground and go on the merry-go-round. It was under repairs this week. I think the kids had more fun climbing on the rope fences and climbing and trying to see through the observation telescopes like these:

I successfully convinced the kids I didn't have any money so I didn't have to drop a fortune into those things. They have them everywhere at the zoo.

We had a great stay-cation with Mom! Thanks Mom! Can't wait for the next one.

Friday, October 03, 2008

She's so full of it

Hannah has been complaining for a few weeks now that her tummy has been hurting. Its not been consistent just every once in a while. She's not been sick or running a fever but since it had been so long I took her to the doctor today. They did an x-ray of her tummy. Karena and Tyler both wanted their picture taken too. I told them I would take their picture at home. Hannah turns to a lady in the waiting room and says, "Mommy doesn't have a tummy camera though." We took the picture on cd back to the doctor. The x-ray definitely told us what the problem is. Here's the picture. See if you can figure it out for yourself.....

She's full of POOP!!!!

All that black and white pebbly stuff is poop. No wonder her little tummy is hurting. We've been dealing with constipation for so long its just ridiculous. I thought she had the least problems with it. I guess I was wrong. Now we get to clean her out. I think I'll be sick of the bathroom by the time this weekend is over.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Tyler's Birthday

June 25th was Tyler's 3rd birthday! He's getting so big so fast. He's potty trained and sleeping in a big boy bed. He loves to sing and just be an all around boy. He can be rowdy and obnoxious in all the ways a little brother should.

Click to play Tyler's 3rd Birthday
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Make a Smilebox postcard

Tyler I love you so much. Your laugh and smile always bring light to my day. I'm glad you had a fun birthday.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

My new love affair

I have developed a love affair with CVS!! I recently started couponing and searching the web for all sorts of ways to save $$$. That's when I discovered CVS and ECBs (aka Extra Care Bucks). By buying particular products you can earn ECB to be used towards paying for future CVS purchases. So today I went for the 3rd time. I have to tell you all what I did. I was so excited. Everything I bought is stuff we use on a regular basis or will be used on our trip to ID.

I started out with 3 ECBs from my last visit: 1 for $13.98, 1 for $2 and 1 for $1.

I bought:
Transaction #1:

Fig Newtons ($4.49)
Nutter Butters (Originally $4.49 but on sale BOGO FREE)
2 big bottles of Gold Bond lotion ($18.98)

Total before discounts and sales: 28.82
Used $13.98 ECB and 2 $1.00 off Lotion coupons

Total after discounts and sales: 8.35
Earned a $5.00 ECB

Transaction #2:

Crest Toothpaste ($1.99 - originally $2.79)
2 bottles of Coppertone sunblock ($19.98)
2 bottles of Softsoap body wash ($4.49 BOGO Free - originally $4.49 each)
4 bags of Lifesavers ($4.38 BOGO Free - originally $2.19 each)
2 tubes of Sure deoderant ($2.99)

Total before discounts and coupons: 48.48
Used: $1 ECB, $2 ECB, $4 ECB, $5 ECB
Lifesaver coupon - BOGO Free (all lifesavers were free)
Softsoap - $.75 off

Total after discounts: $20.93
Earned $14 ECB

Transaction #3:

4 tubes of Mitchum deodorant ($3.99 - originally $4.69)

Total before discounts: 18.95
Used $14 in ECB

Total after discounts: $2.15
Earned $4 ECB

Total savings for entire trip: $64.82

I love CVS. I even got a raincheck for some mascara I'll end up getting free after ECB.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


I heard this song yesterday evening coming home from Relief Society scripture study class. I'd heard it before but it really moved me and got me to thinking this time. I just thought I'd share the lyrics here with you.

by Martina McBride

You can spend your whole life building
Something from nothin'
One storm can come and blow it all away
Build it anyway

You can chase a dream
That seems so out of reach
And you know it might not ever come your way
Dream it anyway

God is great
But sometimes life ain't good
And when I pray
It doesn't always turn out like I think it should
But I do it anyway
I do it anyway

This world's gone crazy
It's hard to believe
That tomorrow will be better than today
Believe it anyway

You can love someone with all your heart
For all the right reasons
In a moment they can choose to walk away
Love 'em anyway

God is great
But sometimes life ain't good
And when I pray
It doesn't always turn out like I think it should
But I do it anyway
Yea - I do it anyway

You can pour your soul out singing
A song you believe in
That tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang
Sing it anyway
Yea, sing it anyway
Yeah, yeah!

I sing
I dream
I love anyway

The Week Murphy Moved In - Part 1

The day John left Aggreko our health insurance ended. Cobra is an option but a very expensive one ($1000 a month). We decided to see if we needed it. We could pay for the occasional office visit and should anything major happen we could sign up for Cobra. Plus no one has been really sick in a while. We should have realized that Murphy would have moved into our home the second the insurance ended.

So a week after John started his new job Karena got a stomach bug. That was the evening of Father's Day. Tuesday I started feeling bad - just felt like indigestion but than different too. By Tuesday night I was in so much pain. I was afraid it was my appendix or something. I called my dr. and he suggested it might be gallstones or my appendix. I took some Tylenol and Pepto and the pain eased off. I went to bed and slept fairly well. Wednesday morning I'm feeling better but as the morning goes on the pain is coming back worse and worse. I make an appt. with my dr. I get there and after examining me he determines its most likely my gall bladder. If its gall stones than I will need surgery to remove my gall bladder. But I need blood work and an ultrasound first. (Remember we don't have insurance.) I get my blood work done, pay for the visit and head over to the hospital for my ultrasound. I pay for that and then wait to have my ultrasound.

In the meantime my cell phone rings. Karena and Tyler are with a sitter (Hannah is up at Mom and Dad's). Karena has "scraped" her foot while riding her trike and is in hysterics. She wants me to "COME HOME!" I tell the sitter to get her some ice cream and whatever will help her calm down.

I have my ultrasound and since my dr. ask them to read it stat I wait for the results. My gall bladder looks fine. No surgery today. I rush back over to the dr. office. Its locked. I know there are still people in there because it only closed 10 minutes ago. I sneak in as someone is coming out. I ask to see the dr again. I'm sure he is so sick of me, but I don't care because I hurt too bad to care. He graciously sees me again and loads me up with samples (THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!) of pain medicine and stuff in case its not my gall bladder and is an ulcer instead. I take it all when I get home and by Thursday I'm fine.

But...back to Karena. I imagined a scrape. Every child has scraped something. No big deal. I check Karena's foot when I get home. Not a scrape. This is a 3 inch abrasion along the top of her foot. I guess she was wearing flip-flops and tried to use the top of her foot as a brake. My stomach actually flipped when I saw it. Two weeks later its actually healing quite nicely. But it involved a dr. visit and soaking it 2x a day in warm soapy water. Not a fun process for a 4 yr old girl. She even got to wear slippers and tennis shoes to church. New rule: No flip flops while riding trikes.

I'll finish the rest of the saga later.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The New Job

Lately I've been feeling unsettled. Nothing particular I could put my finger on. The clutter in my house has been driving me nuts. Little irritating noises having been bothering me more. The kids whining has been harder to deal with. But none of that was the real issue. I just new our family needed a change. I went so far as to start contemplating moving, but could never come up with a place I'd like to go to that was as good or better than where we're at right now. I'd started imagining the worst - maybe something horrible was in my future. It was all very pathetic and frustrating. All I knew is I wanted that feeling gone!!!

Wednesday John interviewed for a new job. A set schedule where he would be home nights and weekends almost guaranteed. No out of town travel. No middle of the night phone calls to come into work after having worked 24 hours straight already. He was a little concerned with the pay cut (no more overtime) but I was convinced we could do it. So starting June 6 I will get to have my husband back. I never really had him to begin with. It will be so nice to have him belong to me and not his employer. He'll even be working with Dad at DuPont for a while. We're both so excited and ready for this change to take place.

And, guess what? The feeling is gone!